VR Skater PSVR2 1

Perp Games has provided an update on the previously announced VR Skater, which grinds onto PSVR2 this summer. An in-depth PlayStation Blog post breaks down everything to expect from the VR adaptation of the Tony Hawk sport, which included details on customisation and how the game supports the unique features of Sony's latest headset. There will also be a mega ramp in the title, made famous by skateboarder Danny Way.

Separate from the main experience β€” which takes place out on the streets β€” the mega ramp is the place to go for huge air time and the most daring tricks. Said to be "highly impressive and something the community wants", it's the place to be for high scores and the most showboating grinds. Then, there'll be seven other environments for you to skate about.

As for how you'll actually move about, the PSVR2 Sense controllers will become your feet, so you'll push off and kickflip using your hands. "To perform grinds and slides, the player will hold buttons to apply rotation and pressure to individual sides of the board, giving players the freedom to skate how they want to. Whether it be tail or nose slides, 50-50 grinds, or many more. You can also work a series of grabs and the finger flip into your combos." It sounds like a control system that might take a bit of getting used to since you're essentially replacing your hands with your feet β€” it could take an hour or two to fully wrap your brain around it.

Finally, you'll be able to customise your deck and trucks via both options in-game and real-life uploads to the game. You can upload your own textures and then style them however you like. There'll also be a VR Skate Shop where you can buy new decks, trucks, wheels, and tape grips. All this comes to PSVR2 later in the summer months.

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[source blog.playstation.com]